In 2009 we completed the first stage of replacing an ageing boatstore with a new facility. The building was designed to accomodate a first floor but at the time funds only allowed some of the strutural work to be completed (perlins for 2 thirds the first floor area).
The aim of the first floor development project is to provide changing/showering facilities, a gym to allow for land training particularly during the winter months and a social area. We believe this is key to our future success and growth.
We are in the process of fundraising to complete the work using a staged approach with each "stage" managed as a mini project. The first few projects are large (and so expensive) due to nature of the work but as each is completed, the scale of the remaining stages will become smaller and the fund raising for each will be relatively easier to complete.
If you can help in any way with either materials, labour or a cash donation, it would truly have a massive impact on the club and its athletes. Please contact the Chairman if you can help.